Investigations Carried Out By Tree Removal Specialists

31 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog


Although trees are a beautiful inclusion to your property, they can also be a dangerous hazard if they are in decline. And there are a host of reasons why your trees will need removal. From damage due to heavy storms or infestations that diminish the integrity of the tree, it is mandatory to have the trees removed by a tree service the moment that they lose their stability or start encroaching onto your property and that of others. Nonetheless, many homeowners do not know how to recognise the signs of impending tree removal. If you are wary about the impact the tree may have on your property or yard, you should call on a tree service, who will carry out the following investigations.

Assessment of the tree's location

If a tree is at risk of encroaching onto a nearby property and pose the threat of damage, the tree has to be removed from the yard. The first thing that tree removal specialist will do is evaluate the direction in which the tree is growing toward. If the crown and branches are heading toward walls windows and roofing, then it will be imperative to either lop off that part of the tree or have it removed altogether. The arborist will then proceed to check the directional growth of the tree roots, as they could end up penetrating your foundation. If this is determined to be a risk, then the tree needs to be removed.

Evaluation of the branches

If the tree's growth is not going to impact any surrounding properties, the tree removal specialist will start examining the different branches. One of the first signs indicative of impending removal is dead or hanging branches. These branches can cause both property damage as well as injury, making them a serious problem on your property. Another investigation carried out is the height of the tree and the length of the branches. Branches that can impose on power lines are a problem that needs to be addressed immediately, most likely through pruning.

Examination of the bark and the leaves

Symptoms of tree disease tend to manifest in the leaves and the bark. Thus, for your arborist to determine if your tree is dying, they need to evaluate the state of these parts. Fungal growths on the bark usually translate into an infection inside the tree stump. If this fungal infection is widespread, then tree removal will be mandatory. The arborist will also check for yellowing, bumps and other abnormalities on the leaves that tend to imply the tree is sickly and will need removal.