Two common reasons why arborists are asked to cut down people's trees

29 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog


An arborist does many different types of tree-related work, but one of the most common tasks that their clients ask them to do is to cut down a tree for them. Here are some of the reasons why arborists are asked to do this.

Because their client is allergic to tree pollen

Wind-pollinated trees tend to release pollen almost continuously during the warmer months of the year. On windy days, this pollen ends up being blown all around the area where the tree is growing. If a tree like this is located in a garden that belongs to a person who is allergic to tree pollen, this can be hugely problematic. The reason for this is that this individual may find themselves experience severe nasal congestion, sinus-related pain, eye irritation and facial puffiness whenever they spend time in their outdoor space or if they leave the windows that face their garden open during this period of the year.

This allergic reaction can not only lead to the person being unable to enjoy using their own garden when it is warm out but can also affect their general quality of life, as the symptoms of this allergy may leave them feeling frequently irritated and worn-out.

People in this situation will usually get their local arborist to remove the pollinating tree from their garden. In instances where the tree was serving another useful function (for example, if it provided some shade), the homeowner might ask the arborist to transplant another, non-pollinating tree (such as, for example, a female tree, which bears fruit, rather than pollen) into the spot where the old tree was once located.

Because their client is concerned about how dangerous their tree becomes during snowy weather

Although trees can look very beautiful when covered in snow, people who live in areas where snowfall occurs quite regularly will often seek out the help of arborists and have them cut down the trees in their garden because of how dangerous this natural structure can be during this type of weather.

For example, tree branches that are weighed down with snow for several weeks on end can often break under the strain of this extra weight and end up falling onto and injuring the people who are unfortunate enough to be underneath them when this breakage occurs. Similarly, when sharp icicles form on the bottom of branches, they can injure those who stand below them when they break off.

As such, many people who live in areas with cold climates opt to have arborists remove the trees from their properties, as this is the only way to eliminate the possibility of the above-mentioned accidents occurring.

For more information, contact an arborist.